Lifestyle Saving

10 Must-Know Signs You are an Overspender

Unfortunately, it is easy to slip from innocent rewards into buying something just to make yourself feel better. In fact, many do not even notice that they already have bad spending habits until they end up with too many shoes, heels, and dresses in their closets. Your wallet is thick with receipts instead of bills.

Family Saving

5 Misconceptions About the Solo Parent ID

Being a parent is not easy. And doing it solo makes it harder.

No matter what’s the reason, a single parent can use a helping hand, especially for their children’s finances. This is why the Solo Parent Act was passed in 2000.


15 Effective Haggling Tips from My Ilocana Mom

Though we must not stereotype, it is undeniable that this will always be stuck in our culture. Personally, I can say that they are not really kuripot. They just want to balance their finances just like everyone else. Truth be told, my Ilocana mom is good with juggling the home’s finances.

Lifestyle Saving

Prepaid Cards Vs Postpaid Plans: Which is More Practical?

It is rare to find a person in the metro who doesn’t use a phone, especially that 60 million Filipinos are internet users. Some even have two mobile phones. It is no wonder that we are tagged as the fastest-growing market for smartphones in an International Data Corporation (IDC) survey.

Car Saving

5 Car Care and Maintenance Hacks to Save Your Money

They even give names to their rides and treat it as their babies. This is why it is disheartening to see their cars scratched, dented, or stained.Other reasons to feel bad are the time, effort, and costs it will take to have it fixed. So here are five DIY car care and maintenance to try.