Family Saving

6 Easy Steps to Compute your SSS Maternity Benefit

Ready to welcome your baby to this world?

When you think of getting ready for your bundle of joy, do not just consider being emotionally ready.

Ask yourself if you are financially ready.

Having a baby means you have to stop working and take care of your child for the first few months. I regret not knowing about the SSS Maternity Benefit when I had my daughter.

Family Lifestyle Saving

10 Smart Money Saving Tips for Young Newly Married Couples

When you got married, you get the feeling of “love can conquer all.”

Then bills, daily needs, monthly rents and perhaps old debts creeps into your home to give you nightmares. Well, you are not alone.

Lifestyle Saving

10 Smart Money Moves for a Prosperous New Year

Bid goodbye to 2016 as you reflect what it has taught you for the past 365 days. We’re you able to spend your hard earned cash wisely, or it ended up as ubos-ubos biyaya?

Every New Year, most of us create a list of resolutions we aim to achieve within the year, but all ended doomed, especially the health related ones.

Lifestyle Saving

10 Super Awesome Tips to a Well-Spent Christmas

The countdown for Christmas is felt more than ever as the last month of the year rolled in. Most of us are now looking forward to the 13th month bonus after the whole year of living payday to payday. The yearend bonus seems to be a lifesaver for those who weren’t able to save up. And for those who’ve got savings, congratulations!

Lifestyle Saving

How BPO Agents can Save Money in 21 days without Getting Ripped

Over the years JobStreet has always been including Customer Service as one of the top paid jobs in the country. This year is no exemption as BPO agents land on 5th place. It is no secret the salary and benefits are so rewarding that many chooses it to be their career, however, many also confess their struggle in saving up.